Sunday, October 12, 2008

Impact of Mass Media

Have you ever seen a movie called “Blonde Ambition”? If you have, then you would probably realize that the story is shown based on a very small percentage of people who can strive for such success in less than a year. It is the power of mass media that chooses to portray a success and positive view of life. In reality, not everyone can easier get into a high position job as the main actress-Jessica Simpson. Many celebrities and famous people have gotten away with certain acts that are normally considered as unacceptable by our society; mass media has made it worse but is positively effect for themselves.

While most of us agree that media is good because it brings us new information about technology and current events, but we must also be aware that there are some negative sides of it. For instance: Paris Hilton was caught in drinking with high level of alcohol in her, what does the media have to portray about the multimillionaire heir? In many ways, many media use this negative story to sell and make money out of it. This will not be the same case if I were caught doing the same thing as her. In other words, many commoners like me may face punishments and cannot get away with it that easily. However, it is more acceptable and common that celebrities are caught doing illegal acts, yet they are free from punishments. Is this a fair to all of us? This is considered as one of the most critical negative sides to mass media.

In addition to that, mass media manipulates and motivates racism in the United States. For example: most action movies use black males or females to play roles of criminals or committed in illegal acts, this contradicts to the claims of the Whites who consider themselves as non-racists or non prejudiced. While there could be many reasons why the directors choose the blacks or other minority groups to play in such roles, unconsciously both the producers and directors still are prejudiced and discriminated against minority groups. Clearly, it is unfair to the minority groups to be portrayed in such a discriminated manner because they are humans like the Whites.

Lastly, media usually allows doubts and questions to truly affect every individual. This means that when a girl reads a fashion magazine about the latest clothing line, she may be persuaded that the models are in great shape. Immediately, she may feel insecure and wants to do something to change herself to look like a model. Successfully, the media has used beautiful and slim models to convey a message to the audience. In this case, the girl is convinced and questions herself. When the media is successfully makes an impact on us, they are benefitting that we want to be like the models so we have to use the cosmetic products and wear the expensive clothing line.

In conclusion, mass media does portray a minority of the people in which media select whom to present and whom to not. Many happy endings of movies are important for producers in term of making profits. However, an outstanding individual who is billionaire, Broadway producer, and Oscar nominated actress as Oprah Winfrey who does help the minority groups to be heard and helped. Her success is unprecedented, and the fact that she is a female, African American has attracted a lot of attentions among the audiences around the world. Oprah has a great impact on mass media as a whole in the United States and with African American nationality has made her even stronger as a woman who is striving for success.