Saturday, September 6, 2008

Communicating without knowing it

Since young, I always feel that it is better to tell my parents everything that occurs in my life. I trust my parents and I know that they will always support me in whichever decision I make. There are times when it is extremely hard to verbally communicate to them about my feelings. The death of my grandfather had a great impact tremendously in my life. Through I came across many emotional thoughts and feelings, I never communicate to anyone about it. Many times, I found myself feeling regretful and depressed. The good memories of him flash back to me everyday. In such situation, I can not verbally communicate to my parents or anyone else. It is too complicated and indescribable.

Unexpectedly, my parents and friends do comprehend my feelings toward my grandfather’s death. I never know that I express any communication to them about my feelings. Through my silences and facial expressions, my parents understand how sad I feel. Likewise, many of us may overlook the importance of this non-verbal communication. While most people including myself tends to believe that verbal communication is among the best communication because one person can hear the exact feelings and thoughts of another person, it may not be entirely true.

As shown in the recent movie, Wall-E, the main character clearly demonstrates that non-verbal communication is just as good and as effective as verbal communication. The main character, Wally, is a lonely robot. He cleans up trashes everyday after everyone in the world evacuated to space. This film is fast forward to 700 years from now with a belief that the world is going to be destroyed and filled with pollutions. At the same time, the movie is projecting that people are shifting to space where they can enjoy the luxury lives they used to have on earth.

Wally communicates nonverbally with a wide range of emotions using his hands, and facial expressions. This allows the audiences to realize that verbal is not necessarily needed when Wally demonstrates his emotions effectively without having to say much. This new movie is just one example to show that non-verbal communication is just as effective as verbal communication. In some situations, non-verbal communication is much stronger in conveying a message.

Personally, I do feel that both type of communication are useful and need to be co-existed. My own reason is that, verbal communication does not always allow individual to maintain privacy. For instance, anyone can eavesdrop or accidentally hear a communication between two people at anytime. However, non-verbal communication can be significantly important when two people want to discuss something very privacy. I am not implying that verbal communication is bad, but at some levels, it can have more disadvantage than non-verbal communication. Overall, both communications are like water and fish. They exists together as a companion in every individual’s life.


Purple_love07 said...

Welcome everyone to my very first blog for Communication 101 Class! It is my honor to present to you my personal perspectives about certain topics that we learn in COM 101 class. Please feel free to debate and comment on my blog at anytime. I love to receive additional perspectives about my blog. Your comments and opinions are going to help me to look at things in a different angle. Thank you for your time in dropping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

While both non-verbal and verbal communication have its own benefits, there are no doubt that they are complex and multi-dimensional. While, as you argued, non-verbal approach can be a great communication tool, but it can never substitute or serve as an alternative to verbal communication. Certainly, non-verbal places less pressure and awkwardness for one to express his or her feelings to the world. However, in a low-context Western culture, it is critical and vital that one has to express his or her feelings verbally.

While we find comfort sheltering ourselves from the worst and sadness part of our lives, it is never an answer or a resolution to the conflict. Those who are close to us should serve as the outlets for our emotions. You will never know how much they can comfort you in the darkest part of your life.

CadmiumOrange said...

Yup. In certain circumstances, I do feel that non-verbal actions or emotions do carry a greater weight in relation to others. For instance, just a hug or a pat on the back encourages a person greatly, to hold on and believe.
Both verbal and non-verbal communication are significant in their own way. I guess one should use them with thoughtfully for different situations, so as not to leave others with misconceptions =)


Non-verbal communication is indeed very important. In my perspective, it can even be more genuine and honest in comparison to verbal communications at times. Non-verbal communications sometimes only works when it involves people who know each other extremely well already. If not, misunderstanding still might happen.

For example, a bunch of my friends think that i've this exact expression for when i am bored or when i am not happy. Hence, i doubt my non-verbal communication is communicated very well. Eeps.

Nice post anyway. Really moving.

Nichika said...

I guess, for people close to you, you dont really have to verbally tell them how you feel, they can tell how you feel through the heart. I have always adored "heart-to-heart communication".

Although non-verbal communication has its good points, non-verbal communication can be unwanted somethings as it betrays you and exposes what you are trying to hide(for good or for bad).

na said...

I agree with you that non-verbal communication has been cleverly portrayed in this movie. the director actually used only minimal verbal conversations and yet he was able to convey his message across to viewers of his movie. sometimes, even in real life situations, words are not necessary. close friends can sit next to each other and not say anything, but feel that they have just had the best conversation ever. i guess this is what it means when people say its "more than words".

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